loincloth|loincloths in English


cloth worn around the waist or hips

Use "loincloth|loincloths" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loincloth|loincloths" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loincloth|loincloths", or refer to the context using the word "loincloth|loincloths" in the English Dictionary.

1. 2 synonyms for Breechclout: breechcloth, loincloth

2. 2 synonyms for Breechclout: breechcloth, loincloth

3. Sometimes it is also called a Breechclout, loincloth, skin …

4. He wore a loincloth and a black shirt.

5. They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth.

6. 10 There are also pictures of both men cavorting in gauzy loincloths.

7. His sole concession to the temperature was a leather loincloth.

8. Since the 19th century, the term geestring referred to the string which held the loincloth of American Indians and later referred to the narrow loincloth itself.

9. The warrior a head dress and a red loincloth.

10. The warrior wears a head dress and a red loincloth.

11. He wears a pointy mask and an animal-skin loincloth.

12. Japanese men wore until recently a loincloth known as a fundoshi.

13. Participants all wear shimekomi (called fundoshi in other parts of Japan), which are traditional loincloths.

14. In appearance, he resembled Mahatma Gandhi, minus the loincloth, plus orthopedic boots.

15. Despite its functional simplicity, the loincloth comes in many different forms.

16. He asked me to bring him a fresh undershirt and loincloth.

17. That is why, years later, he adopted the loincloth as his garb.

18. He wore the usual loincloth, sandals, a shawl, and his dangling dollar watch.

19. → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus Cavort • There are also pictures of both men Cavorting in gauzy loincloths.

20. In appearance he resembled Mahatma Gandhi—minus the loincloth , plus orthopedic boots.Sentencedict

21. In appearance he resembled Mahatma Gandhi—minus the loincloth , plus orthopedic boots.

22. If he wanted an undershirt and loincloth, he should have asked his wife.

23. Some good details, like the checks on the loincloth , horns and toe-nails.

24. Kalchu, wearing only his loincloth. let the rain course over his bare skin.

25. He dressed in a loincloth, hunted with a blowgun, and ate primates, snakes, and sago.